Welcome to my blog. If you live in Surrey and birding is your obsession (to get out of bed at some ridiculously early time of the morning, no matter what the weather, to go and look at birds isn't normal behaviour, believe me) and you're still a bit of a novice (like me) then, hopefully, this blog is for you.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010


Bank Holiday Monday was spent visiting friends in Gwent. The sky was a clear, brilliant blue for once, and to pass the time, similar to a few months back on the way to Oxford, I made a mental note of the number of raptors I saw during the three hours we were travelling in the car.

Kestels are a common sight by motorways, but I only saw two on the journey, plus two Red Kite.

By far the most common bird of prey, however, was the Common Buzzard. Between Reading and Bristol I counted ten, but by the end of the day the count got up to 22.

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