Tuesday evening I decided to pay Staines a visit. I wasn't really expecting much - the Reservoir was particularly barren apart from a few Common Terns - but I was happy to spend a bit of time on the Moor, a place I enjoy walking around. Right on queue the resident Cetti's Warbler burst into song, and the Blackcaps were also bellowing out a few notes. A Cuckoo was in the vicinity but I didn't see it, although I caught sight of a Snipe, three Common Terns, three Lapwings, some Meadow Pipits, a couple of Skylarks and Reed Warblers, a Sedge Warbler, a Kestrel and four Reed Buntings.
I'm still missing a few resident birds, most notably the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Marsh Tit, which I know are out there somewhere in the Surrey area for me to find, but they are proving elusive, as are Ringed Plover - although I've had sightings of its smaller cousin the Little Ringed Plover on more than one occasion. Of the migrants I haven't seen a Turtle Dove or a Wood Warbler this year - both are going to be very difficult to spot.
The other bird I'm keen to see is a Peregrine Falcon - I feel it's just a question of time. There are plenty of others but I'll have to be patient - it isn't even halfway through the year yet.
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